Author's articles (2)
#1 / 2008 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSAuthor Mezentseva E.S.,The necessity of strategic management procedures application on small business enterprises for the purpose of their competitiveness rise in the regional economy is proven. Strategic manage-ment process is presented as a system of socio-economic relationship between an enterprise and its external environment. Characteristics of small industrial business in regions of Russia as a whole and in Sverdlovsk area in particular are considered. The directions of small business stra-tegic development perfection on the basis of its cooperation with the state structures, infrastruc-ture subjects and large-scale business are formulated.
#4 / 2008 appendix Category: SMALL-SCALE ENTREPRENEURSHIPAuthor Mezentseva E.S.,Institutional contours of the small-scale business development in the administrative districts of Sverdlovsk area are generated. Perspective directions of developing the infrastructure to support small-scale business at the territories of Sverdlovsk area on the basis of the conducted comparison of development of the separate institutes entering the institutional contour of a local small-scale business development and strategic directions of interaction of the small enterprises with institutional contours elements are formulated.