Author's articles (3)
#1 / 2008 Category: ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF REGIONThe industry of our country ensures the biggest part of GIP and at the same time exercises great influence on environment. The directions and instruments of Russian industrial production`s ecologizing which makes possible not only improvement of ecological situation but also going over to the sustainable development`s model are characterized by the article`s authors.
#4 / 2008 Category: ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF REGIONThe article presents the results of analysis of introduction and development of environmental management systems on the Urals enterprises by mining and smelting industry which was conducted by questioning of their representatives. Object of the research were showing up of positive and negative features in construction of corporative environmental management systems according to recommendations of standards ISO 14000 and comparison of our and foreign experience.
#4 / 2015 Category: REGIONAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMSThe economic evaluation of renewable natural resources is the urgent and unsolved problem. Today, the assessment of natural resources is a priority for the national strategy of environmental management. In our country, a great influence on this process was provided by the development of market relations, causing the necessity to evaluate the natural resources potential. The state cadastral evaluation of natural resources is the basis for land tax, but it does not allow to assess comprehensively the natural resources potential. The article reveals the concept of economic evaluation, describes its implementation in the Northern regions. In the paper, the authors consider the traditional methodological approaches to the economic evaluation: cost and its modification, rent, market and alternative ones as well as the approaches based on the results of sociological research widely used lately. Also, the methodological approaches using the results of sociological research are utilized. For the assessment of the natural resources, the authors recommend the effective approaches that ensure the comparability calculations and improvement of the reliability of results. The proposed methodological approaches to the measurement of land, forestry, hunting, fishery and biological resources of wild plants allow to take into account the specific features of the Northern territories and implement a comprehensive economic assessment of natural resources potential of the territory. The authors consider the calculation of the unit value index of natural resources potential to rank the Northern territories of the Russian Federation according to the proportionality of project investment for development of natural resources. Methodological recommendations are approved for the conditions of the Berezovsky municipal region of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug — Yugra.