Author's articles (2)
#1 / 2008 Category: INNOVATION ACTIVITYAuthor Beketov N.V.,THE FORMATION OF TECHNICAL-ECONOMIC PARADIGMS OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: INNOVATIVE-CYCLIC OF RESEARCHThe Publisher and Editor retract the paper “The Formation of Technical-Economic Paradigms of Regional Development: Innovative-Cyclic of Research” by Beketov N.V., which was published in the 1st Issue, 2008 of Economy of Regions. The retraction was initiated by the Editorial Board, because this paper is a duplicated publication of previously published one: Beketov N.V. Formirovanie tehniko-jekonomicheskih paradigm regional'nogo razvitija: innovacionno-ciklicheskie aspekty issledovanija [Formation of technical and economic paradigms of regional development: innovation-cyclical aspects of the study]. National Interests: Priorities and Security. Vol. 3, Issue 11 (20 )2007. P. 30-40. (In Russ.) . The decision is taken by the Editorial Board on the 2nd of September, 2022. The Resume the New technologies entering the conflict to an inadequate economic environment, natural cataclysms and a political conjuncture, appear as though from anything, already generated. To fill it "a white spot" the theory of cycles and rhythms of regional and economic development, corresponding with the epistolary maintenance stated below clause allows. According to this theory, new technical and economic rhythms arise in a growth phase of a previous space and business cycle, and long times develop in conditions of an inadequate environment. Deterioration of an economic conjuncture in a phase of recession of a dominating cycle renders overwhelming influence and on distribution new technical and economic rhythms. Only with basic transformations èíñòèòóöèîíàëüíîé and political structure opportunities for fast distribution new technical and economic rhythm on all economic system are created.
#4 / 2007 appendix Category: NEW RESEARCHES ON THE REGION'S ECONOMYAuthor Beketov N.V.,This article deals with a relatively new concept of the economics, i.e. financial stability. The essence of the financial stability concept, academic and practical definitions of financial stability, relationships between financial stability and other notions of the theory of finance (financial crisis, financial fragility, financial soundness, etc.) are considered. The author argues convincingly that there is a need for promoting scientific debate about financial stability problems in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in order to develop a methodology of financial stability assessment.