Author's articles (1)
#4 / 2007 appendix Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSRevival of the Russian economy and the forecast of demand for rail transportation shows, that it is necessary to update park of freight cars which has undergone significant ageing for the lack of regular updating. In the given aspect the special role is got with strategic planning activity of the large car-building enterprise of the Ural federal district – Federal state unitary enterprise "Production association "Ural Carriage-Building Plant". Authors offer strategy of economic development of the given enterprise which contains the following directions: commodity and price strategy, bases of a marketing policy, increase of personnel potential of the enterprise, development of investment process, a Directions of research and developmental activity. The predicted estimation of results of development and introduction of offered strategy of economic development of the enterprise in 2007 − 2010 is made. Spillovers and the results expected from introduction of strategy at a microlevel and a macrolevel, in social and economic sphere and budgetary sphere are submitted.